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Introduction to Regulatory Environment: South Africa

This page contains a list of laws that are relevant to our products and services. We also provide you with a concise overview of each section that we’ve identified as relevant.

The laws we’ve identified on this page demonstrate how our products and services can help you to comply with the legal and compliance obligations set out in the law.

Please note: The summaries of laws are our own and do not amount to legal advice in any form or manner.

Regulatory Environment

Base of Law: Understanding The Difference
Between Principle-Based Law, Rule-Based Law And Codes

Some laws are Principle-based, and some are Rules-based. There are also instruments called Codes that are in operation.


Principle-based means that the law sets out the outcomes or objectives and principles. With principle-based law, an organisation can determine what controls, measures, and procedures they should put in place to achieve the outcomes of the law.


Rules-based means that the law is prescribed. This means that it prescribes in detail how an organisation, or person should conduct themselves by following a set of rules.


Codes are a set of practices and/or fundamental principles that may be applicable in an industry. There are many codes that apply across different industries like the financial industry, labour and so on.

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