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This document was last updated on 31 October 2022


These are the general terms of our relationship with you. They cover any transactions where we provide services to you. Under these terms:

  • We (including us or our) are the service provider – (Advance Risk Mitigation Digital), a division of Genlib CC (Registration number: 2008/032635/23), operating off and
  • You (including your) are the customer.

An order is a separate document or form that contains the commercial terms of each specific transaction and incorporates these terms.


2.1 Composition. The agreement consists of these terms of service and any orders or any other specific terms applicable to the services.

2.2 Definitions. In the agreement:

business day means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday (including a public or bank holiday) in the jurisdiction where we are organised;

business hours means our normal business hours on business days;

day means a day counted from midnight to midnight, including all days of the month, Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays;

products and services mean the products and services which are made available on which ARMD are legally entitled to sell on behalf of the Product suppliers; and

writing means the reproduction of information or data in physical form (includes handwritten documents, hard copy printouts. or any mode of reproducing information or data in electronic form).

2.3 Interpretation. The following rules apply to the interpretation of the agreement:

  • reference headings – clause and subclause headings are for reference only and do not affect interpretation;
  • non-exhaustive lists – whenever a clause lists specific examples or items following a listing word, such as ‘including’, ‘includes’, ‘excluding’, or ‘excludes’, they will not limit its scope;
  • undefined words or phrases – all words or phrases that the agreement does not define have their ordinary English meanings;
  • enactment references – references to any enactment include it as re-enacted, amended, or extended;
  • person references – references to a person includes a natural and juristic person;
  • party references – references to a party includes their successors or permitted assigns;
  • number of days – when any number of days is prescribed, the first day will be excluded and the last day included;
  • no interpretation against the draftsman – the rule of construction that an agreement must be interpreted against the party responsible for its drafting or preparation does not apply; and
  • time calculations – the parties will use GMT +2 to calculate any times.

2.4 Departure. These terms apply to all our customers and are not generally open to negotiation for reasons of consistency. Should the parties negotiate any departure from these terms, they will record that departure in other specific terms.

2.5 Conflict. If there is a conflict of meaning between these terms and any word or phrase in an order or other specific terms, the meaning in the order or specific terms will prevail in respect of the relevant services.

2.6 Policies. Any terms and policies listed in the Trust Centre available on the website are incorporated into this agreement by reference.


3.1 Commencement. These terms start whenever you accept them by:

  • doing so explicitly – such as by checking a checkbox saying that you do or agreeing to an order that incorporates them by reference;
  • using the services in any way – such as by accessing them; or
  • exercising any rights granted to you under the agreement;

and continue until terminated.


4.1 Placing orders. You place orders with us when you use the website to order the products

4.2 Capacity. You represent and warrant that you (and any person who places an order):

  • are old enough under applicable law to enter into the agreement;
  • are legally capable of concluding any transaction;
  • possess the legal right, full power, and authority to enter into the agreement;
  • are authorised to use the credentials required for any account; and
  • will submit true, accurate and correct information to us.

If you are younger than 18 years of age, you warrant that you have the consent of your legal guardian to enter into the agreement or that you have obtained legal status in another manner.

4.3 Invitation to do business. Marketing is merely an invitation to do business and we only conclude this agreement when we actually provide the products and services to you. We may accept or reject any offer that you make to us. If we do not accept any offer, then we will refund any monies already paid by you.

4.4 Deemed order. You will be deemed to have placed an order in regard to products and services when you start consuming any products and services you have requisitioned automatically from the control panel, it being agreed that each click of a button to requisition a product and services constitutes a billable event.

4.5 Cancellations. We may cancel any order at any time in our absolute discretion, but we will refund any money you have paid if we do.

4.6 Commission disclaimer. If you came to this website via a link provided by a third-party, that third-party may receive a commission from your purchase on this website.

4.7 Fees. Despite our best efforts, the stated fees may be incorrect. We will confirm the fees for any products and services when we accept your offer.

4.8 Time and place. We conclude this agreement when we accept the order and where we are domiciled when we do. We do not need to communicate the acceptance of the offer to you.

4.9 Separate agreements. Each request is a separate agreement, but you breach all of them if you breach one.


5.1. Right. We grant you a right to use the services subject to the following limitations:

  • duration of agreement – you may only use the services for the duration of the agreement;
  • limited to terms – you may only use the services according to these terms;
  • non-exclusive – we may allow anyone else to use the services;
  • non-transferable – you may not transfer the right to anyone else; and
  • specified purposes – you may only use the services for the specified purposes that we’ve communicated to you in writing from time to time.

5.2 Breach. We may suspend or cancel your right to use the services if you breach the agreement.


6.1 Sale. We sell the products to you who purchases them on the terms of the agreement.

6.2 Product supplier agreements. We provide various product suppliers’ products and services through our website. When you purchase these products through the website, you will be granted access to the products and services through these product suppliers. We are not liable for the delivery of the products and services. If you have any concerns with the products and services, you must contact the product supplier responsible for providing you with the services.

6.3 Countries. You may only make offers for products for delivery to the countries specified by us. If your delivery or billing address is not amongst those specified, you must not make an offer. We are only able to sell into the countries specified, and we are only able to deliver to those countries.

6.4 Delivery and packaging. Unless otherwise agreed, the products will be supplied on the following basis:

  • Once you’ve completed your purchase, we’ll confirm your order by email and your order will be sent to the product supplier for processing.
  • You’ll receive an email from the product supplier within 24 hours of purchase giving you access to your product.
  • The product is made available via secure access to a designated portal for viewing or downloading. Instructions on how to access your designated portal will be provided in the email.

6.5 Risk and ownership. All risk of loss or damage to the products will pass to you upon delivery of the products to you. Ownership in the products will only pass to you upon full payment of the fees.

6.6 Warranty. The products will be subject to any warranty indicated in the description of the products appearing on the accompanying documentation, packaging, or EULA. Please review those documents carefully. You will have the same rights against us as we have against the supplier regards defects in the products, the intention being that our liability to you will be co-extensive with the right of recourse we have against the supplier. We will provide a copy of any warranty on request. To the extent legally possible, we assign to you the benefit of any supplier warranties that a supplier may give to us regards the products. You may not waive any of our common law rights as against the supplier.

6.7 Resale and exports. You may not transfer, resell or sub-licence any products to any third party.

6.8 Availability. We will do our best to make the online products available all the time, except for scheduled and emergency maintenance.


7.1 Definition. Your data is any data belonging to you that:

  • you (or any third party on your behalf) provide to us; or
  • we generate, process, or supply to you in providing the services;

but excludes any derived data that we create for our own purposes, or which is proprietary or confidential to us or our third party contractors.

7.2 You own it. You own all your data but give us a right to use it to provide the services when you provide us with access to it.

7.3 We do not own it. We do not own any of your data. However, we do own our derived data. Your data does not include any derived data that we create for our own internal purposes. Derived data is any of our own data that we create from your data, such as through aggregation, de-identification, or anonymisation.

7.4 Responsibility. We take the protection of your data very seriously and will always do our best to protect it. We will

  • comply with all relevant laws that affect your data, including data protection, retention, and destruction laws;
  • comply with any of your policies or procedures relating to your data that you communicate to us timeously in writing;
  • have due regard to leading industry information security management codes of practice, where appropriate;
  • have an individual to oversee compliance with relevant data protection laws;
  • not sell, dispose of, or encumber any of your data or try to do any of those things;
  • be able to identify any of your data separately from any other data under our control; and
  • not disclose any personal information from your data, other than in terms of the agreement.]

7.5 Subcontracting. Subcontracting involves engaging a subcontractor outside our organisation to do work as part of providing the services. We may subcontract work involving your data, provided that we:

  • we get your written permission to do so beforehand;
  • notify you in writing of: (i) the purpose of sharing your data with the subcontractor; and (ii) how we have carried out due diligence on them;
  • do so only through a written agreement with the subcontractor which imposes the same obligations on them as are imposed on us; and
  • remain fully liable for any processing of your data under the agreement by our subcontractor.

7.6 Location. Your data will remain wherever we place it initially, unless we have to transfer it to another country to comply with our obligations to you. You consent to us transferring it to our group of companies, associated companies, service providers, or agents who may be located in other countries for the purpose of providing the services.


8.1 Definition. Confidential information is any information that the parties share with one another in terms of this agreement with the intention that the other party should keep it secret, such as personal information, business records, or customer details.

8.2 Responsibilities. Each party will keep any confidential information it receives from the other party under the agreement confidential and the receiving party will:

  • protect the other party’s interests;
  • only use it to comply with their responsibilities under the agreement;
  • only give it to their employees or agents that need it (and only as much as they need);
  • use reasonable security procedures to make sure their employees or agents keep it confidential;
  • get promises of confidentiality from those employees or agents who need access to the information;
  • not reveal the information to anyone else; and
  • not use it for any purpose other than under this agreement.

8.3 End of agreement. The parties will give back to the other all confidential information of the other that they have at the end of the agreement, unless:

  • the other party agrees that they may destroy or retain it instead; or
  • it is lawfully in the public domain;
  • someone else who is allowed to reveal it gives it to them;
  • someone gives it to them to comply with a court order or other legal duty.

8.4 Indemnity. Each party indemnifies the other against any loss or damage that the other may suffer because of a breach of this clause by a party or its employees or agents.

8.5 Survival. This clause about confidential information is separate from the rest of this agreement and remains valid for five years after the end of this agreement.


10.1 Payment. You will pay us the fees on the due date in the manner agreed between the parties in writing. You may not withhold payment of any amount due to us for any reason.

10.2 Late payments. Additional charges agreed between the parties in writing apply to any payment we receive after the due date and you must pay them to us on demand. We may stop providing any services until you have paid all amounts due.

10.3 Interest. Overdue amounts on any outstanding invoice will bear interest for our benefit from its due date until you pay it at whichever rate is higher between:

  • 2% above the prime (or prime lending) rate; or
  • 15%.

Interest will be payable on a claim for damages from when the damages were suffered.

10.4 Appropriation. We may use any money you pay us to settle your indebtedness under the agreement, despite any particular reason you may have paid it to us.

10.5 Certificate. We may appoint an accountant to sign a certificate that will be proof of the amount due by you and the date on which it is payable.

10.6 Tax. All fees exclude any tax (unless indicated otherwise). You will be liable to pay applicable taxes in addition to the fees.

10.7 Payment profile. We may provide any registered credit bureau with information about your payment of amounts.


11.1 Service warranties. We warrant that we will:

  • employ enough trained personnel with the knowledge and expertise to provide the services;
  • use reasonable efforts consistent with prevailing industry standards to maintain the services; and
  • provide the services in accordance with all applicable laws.

11.2 General warranties. We warrant further that we:

  • have the legal right and authority to perform our obligations under the agreement; and
  • will not intentionally introduce any malicious software into your systems.

11.3 Product supplier warranty. You will only have the benefit of the warranties that the product supplier provides you as part of providing the services to you.


13.1 Agreement warranties. You warrant that:

  • no one has induced you to enter into the agreement by any prior representations, warranties, or guarantees; and
  • you are not breaching any other agreement by entering into the agreement.

13.2 Indemnity. You indemnify us against any claim for damages by any third party resulting from a breach of your warranties, including all legal costs. Legal costs means the costs that a lawyer may recover from their client for their disbursements and professional services if permissible under applicable law.


14.1 Direct damages limited. We are only liable to you for any direct damages that the services may cause up to the total amount of fees that you have already paid us for them.

14.2 Indirect damages excluded. We are not liable for any other damages or losses that the services may cause you.

14.3 Your default. We are not liable for any damage or loss that your breach, misrepresentation, or mistake causes.

14.4 This clause is separate from the rest of the agreement and remains valid for five years after the end of the agreement.


15.1 Breach. If either party

  • does not fix a breach within seven days of receiving written notice from the other party;
  • breaches the agreement materially twice or more in six months;
  • is bankrupt or has some legal disability;
  • takes steps to or is closed down (such as becoming insolvent or entering sequestration);
  • makes any settlement or arrangement with their creditors; or
  • fails to pay a court order against themselves for a significant amount within 21 days;

then the other party may:

  • make the party comply with the agreement; or
  • immediately cancel the agreement in writing and claim damages from the other party, including fees already due.

15.2 Suspension. We may immediately suspend your right to use the services if:

  • you try to gain unauthorised access to them;
  • we decide that your use poses a security threat to us or another user other than you;
  • there is evidence of fraud on your account; or
  • we believe you are using them for an illegal purpose or in way that infringes a third party’s rights.


16.1 Termination for good cause. We may need to terminate the agreement immediately if:

  • we or our third-party vendors discontinue or stop providing the products and services;
  • believe providing the products and services could burden or pose a risk to us;
  • have to terminate to comply with a law; or
  • we or our third-party vendors determine that providing the products and services has become impractical.

If we need to terminate, we will give you as much notice as reasonably possible in writing.

16.2 Termination for convenience. You may terminate the agreement on at least 60 days written notice to us. This will not apply where the products and services have already been delivered.

16.3 Duties on termination. We will stop providing the services, you will no longer be able to access them, and we may erase your data on termination, cancellation, or expiry of the agreement.


17.1 Acceleration. All amounts due to us for the products and services become due and payable on termination, cancellation, or expiry of the agreement.

17.2 Assistance. We may provide you with post termination assistance (such as data retrieval) subject to additional fees and conditions.

17.3 No expectation. The agreement does not create any expectation of continued service, agreement renewal, or any further agreement between the parties.


18.1 Resolving disputes. Either party may inform the other in writing if there is a dispute. The parties must first try to negotiate to end the dispute, then enter into mediation if negotiation fails, and finally go to arbitration if mediation fails. If they go to arbitration, they will agree in writing on a recognised and appropriate forum for arbitration that is accessible to both parties.

18.2 Mediation. If negotiation fails, the parties must refer the dispute to mediation under AFSA’s rules. AFSA means the Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa (or its successor or body nominated in writing by it in its stead).

18.3 Arbitration. If mediation fails, the parties must refer the dispute within 15 business days to arbitration (including any appeal against the arbitrator’s decision) under AFSA’s latest rules for expedited arbitrations. The arbitration will be held in English in Johannesburg. The parties will agree to appoint one arbitrator. If the parties cannot agree on the arbitrator within 10 business days after the referral, the Secretariat of AFSA will appoint the arbitrator.


19.1 Governing law. South African law governs this agreement.

19.2 Jurisdiction. You consent to the jurisdiction of the Magistrate’s Court in respect of any action or proceedings that we may bring against you in connection with this agreement, even if the action or proceedings would otherwise be beyond its jurisdiction without prejudice to our right to institute any action in any other court having jurisdiction.

19.3 Notices and domicile. The parties will send all notices to each others’ email addresses and choose their respective street addresses as their service addresses for all legal documents. Our email and street addresses are available on our website, while you provide your email and street addresses to us when concluding the agreement. The parties may change either address on 14 calendar days written notice to the other.

19.4 Beyond human control. Neither party is responsible for breach of the agreement caused by circumstances beyond human control, but the other party may cancel the agreement on written notice to the other if the circumstances persist for more than 60 calendar days.

19.5 Assignment. You may not assign the agreement to anyone. We may assign it to any successor or purchaser of our business or some of our assets.

19.6 Relationship. The agreement does not create an employment relationship between the parties.

19.7 Entire agreement. The agreement is the entire agreement between the parties on the subject.

19.8 Changes. We will notify you of any changes to the agreement by email. Those changes will only apply to future services orders. If you do not agree with the changes, you must stop using the services. If you continue to use the services following notification of a change, the changed terms will apply to you and you will be deemed to have accepted them.

19.9 Waiver. Any favour we may allow you will not affect any of our rights against you.

19.10 Severability. Any term that is invalid, unenforceable, or illegal may be removed from the agreement without affecting the rest of it.

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